“Failure to plan is planning to fail” or so the old saying goes, and in today’s fast paced work environment planning is critical in achieving targets and goals within any project. At Warehouse Storage Solutions we have a team of dedicated, in-house Project Managers that are fully certified in site set up and management to deliver our projects, on time and within budget.
Working With Our Clients
The Project Manager is the key to unlocking a successful installation on any site and is critical in ensuring a project doesn’t fail. Our Project Managers have built up a wealth of experience and knowledge across a broad spectrum of trades that are required to deliver one of our systems.
The Project Manager needs to see the interfaces between all trades on site and to pull whatever resources are required together to ensure a smooth running project and one that fits with the clients needs. Our Project Managers prepare time plans or Gantt Charts which detail the scope of supply to deliver the project, the time taken for each of these elements and where in the timeline they’re required to start and most critically, end.
It’s important that the Project Manager understands how each element impacts on other trades and those trades may need to work together at the same time. With projects involving multiple trades it’s important to fully understand their relationship to each other and where they need to sit in the overall scheme of things. Our Project Managers with their years of experience are able to identify at a very early stage which trades will need access to site first and which will impact on other trades and manage them accordingly.
Budget Control
As is the nature of any large scale project, costs can easily spiral out of control if the person in control doesn’t take control of any issues as soon as they arise. Client specifications may change part way through and expectations need to be managed along with the costs. Quick turnarounds on additional costings are part of what makes a good project manager and allow the client to make the decision rapidly which in turn allows the project to continue without extended delays.
One of the biggest contributions to increased project costs is downtime and this needs to be closely monitored by the Project Manager. Where multiple trades are all vying for the same space at the same time, it’s inevitable that there will be clashes and these need to be minimised by careful planning. It’s also important that the project time plan is regularly updated and kept fully up to date. Where additional works are required these need to be added to the time plan immediately and the interfaces with other trades checked and adjustment make to the overall period of time required to carry out the works.
Health and Safety
As all site work now comes under CDM the Project Manager needs to be fully aware of their obligations to the Health and Safety Executive and, if a notifiable project, then to the local authorities as well.
A safe site is a productive one and delays caused by accidents can be lengthy and extremely costly so ensuring the site is being managed in a safe manner is critical to meeting deadlines. Where trades are working at height and with heavy plant and machinery, it’s down to the Project Manager to ensure everyone is capable of working safely and is trained and qualified for the work they’re undertaking.
Warehouse Storage Solutions are able to manage all of your needs for any project work undertaken. From small installations requiring just a single site visit by the Project Manager to ensure all of the Health and Safety documentation is in place, to a dedicated full-time site presence with full CDM management skills and Principal Contractor role capability.
For a free no obligation consultation please call Warehouse Storage Solutions on 01423 819057 or email sales@warehousestoragesolutions.com